L’ argomento grammaticale che trattiamo in questa lezione riguarda le Preposizioni di Luogo (in inglese Preposition of Place)

Preposizioni di stato in luogo


in   a, in, dentro          (specifica la posizione all’ interno di un luogo o spazio circoscritto)


a letto = in bed

sul quaderno/sul giornale = in the exercise book/in the newspaper

all’aria aperta = in the open air

sotto la pioggia/nel vento = in the rain/in the wind

al sole/al buoi/al freddo/al caldo = in the sun/in the dark/in the cold/in the heat

at    a                           (indica in modo generico un determinato punto preciso o luogo)


Essere a/in casa = to be at home

Essere in fondo alla strada = to be at the end of the street

Essere in cima a/sulla cima di = to be at the top of




· continenti, stati, regioni, città, grandi isole, arcipelaghi, catene

   I live in Europe, in Sicily, in Palermo, in the

   south of Italy.

   He’s on holiday in the Alps, in the Antilles.


· edifici pubblici come school, university, theatre, cinema, disco, swimming pool, station, bank, post office, restaurant, café, considerati come costruzione

    All the tables are taken in this restaurant.

    There are 30 classrooms in the school.


· hospital, prison

    She is in hospital.

    He spent three years in prison.


· strade, piazze senza numero civico

    She lives in Lincoln Road.


· house, room

     How many people live in this house?

     Joe isn’t in the kitchen, he’s in the cellar.


· giornali, riviste, libri, dizionari

     I read it in the newspaper.

     Did he look up the word in the dictionary?


·parti del corpo

      I’ve got a pain in the back.

      He was wounded in his right leg



· per indicare un punto preciso, abitazioni, negozi

   I saw her at the bus stop.

   She’s at her sister’s. (house)

   I buy vegetables at that greengrocer’s. (shop)


· edifici pubblici come school, university, theatre, cinema, disco, swiming pool, station, bank, post office, restaurant, café… considerati per la funzione che vi è svolta

He usually has lunch at a restaurant.

    They are at school.

    They study at Cambridge University.





· indirizzi completi

     She lives at 35, Lincoln Road.


· home

    Is Mary at home?

    We often stay at home on Sundays.


· città, quando si intende un punto particolare (stazione, aeroporto…)

    The train stops at Manchester at 11.55.

    They landed at Houston for refuelling.









· espressioni:  in the rain/sun/shade/wind /cold /dark/heat/open air,  in bed

I like lying in the sun

       Mark likes staying in bed till late


 · end, forma avverbiale di tempo (infine)

   I thought I had lost my keys, but in the end

 I found them






· end, come preposizione di luogo   

The post office is at the end of this street.  



on                 su, sopra   ( con contatto)


E’ al 2° piano = It’s on the second floor

E’ a pagina 7 = It’s on page 7

E’ a/sulla destra/sinistra = It’s on the right/left

E’ alla radio/al telefono/alla TV = It’s on the radio/on the phone/on (the) TV

over             su, sopra (senza contatto) 

above          su, sopra (senza contatto)




ma attenzione…

· per indicare “su”, “sopra”, con contatto

   There’s a magazine on the table.

   Look at that poster on the wall!

   The exercise is on page 67.


· per indicare posizione su una linea orizzontale (fiumi, strade, coste,  spiagge, laghi, confini)

     Los Angeles is on the west coast of the USA.

     London is on the Thames.

     Florence is on the way to Rome.

     We were on the beach.


· per indicare posizione su singole montagne, piccole isole, con le parole “isle” e “island”

      on Mount Everest, on that mountain

      on the Isle of Capri, on that island


· per indicare posizione sui piani di un edificio

        I live on the fifth floor.

        The store is on the ground floor.







Open your book at page 67.















The lift stopped at the fifth floor.

The store is in the basement/in the attic/in the cellar.




ON ma attenzione…
· per indicare posizione seduta

to sit on a chair/a bench/a stool/a sofa/the bed


· per indicare superfici del corpo

         He gave her a kiss on the cheek

         The child has got a bruise on the knee


· nell’espressione “to be on” (= essere in programma)

   What’s on TV tonight?

   What’s on at the Odeon?


· con i termini: holiday, business, a journey, trip, excursion, a farm, tv, television, the phone, the radio

 He is on a business trip now, but he’ll be on 

 holiday next week.

 I worked on a farm last summer.

 Mary spoke to him on the phone two days ago.


· con right/left (= a destra/sinistra di…)

The hospital is the second building on your right.

Walk along Oxford Street, the bank is on the left.

to sit in an armchair





















turn right / left (into a street)



▪  over e above significano “su”, “al di sopra”, senza contatto e possono spesso essere usati indifferentemente.

There’s an old sign over/above the door.

                       The flat over/above ours is bigger.



· per indicare qualcosa che ricopre o si estende su un’intera superficie

     He travelled all over the world.

     The thief had a stocking over his head.


· per indicare una differenza di livello (mare, temperatura)

   The city is 300  metres above sea level.

   The temperature is 5 degrees above zero.






Preposizioni di moto a luogo


to   a, in                                              into      in, dentro                           onto / on to su, sopra



· indica un moto verso un luogo, è usato con i verbi di movimento e quando si indica una direzione (anche in senso figurato)


   We went to the mountains.

   I’m going to the doctor’s.

   Welcome to Italy.

   He went back to Brazil in 1990.

   Bring your friend to the party.

   They moved to Milan last year.

   Have you ever been to Paris?

   He reduced her to tears.

   She tore it to pieces.


· indica movimento dall’esterno all’interno di uno spazio, un insieme, un’unità considerata  e indica il passaggio da uno stato a un altro, una trasformazione

  Turn right into Fleet Street.

  They came into the room.

  She fell into the water.

  The thieves broke into his store.

  The Romantic Age can be    divided into two generations.

  The wizard turned the prince into a swan.



· indica movimento sopra una superficie, o verso una superficie più alta


The dog jumped onto the    sofa.

  The window opened onto a large garden.

  The winner was invited to go onto the stage.


  • Nelle espressioni di moto a luogo il termine “home” non è preceduto da alcuna preposizione:

to go home, to come home, to go back home, to come back home.


  • “to arrive” è considerato un verbo di stato, non di moto, e prevede quindi l’uso di in e at.



Preposizioni di moto da luogo


 from         da, di                                   out of             da, fuori di         off    da, a poca distanza da






· indica città/stato di origine o di residenza, oppure indica provenienza (persone, lettere, notizie)

“Where is he from?” ”He comes from Ireland”.

“Have you had any news from her?”

I got a letter from Mary.

The artiche is taken from “Time”

Is New York far from Chicago?

Madrid is a long way from Rome.  

Let’s get away from here.


· indica un movimento dall’ interno verso l’esterno, o di qualcosa che è rimasto fuori posto


The thief jumped out of the window.

The students are coming out of the school.

I fell out of bed last night.

He got out of his car.

Out of sight, out of mind.

This machine is out of order.

I feel like a fish out of water.

Is the milk out of the fridge?


· indica un movimento non da luogo chiuso, ma da una linea o una superficie


He jumped off the horse.

Keep off the grass.

Get off my foot!

He cut a piece off the cake.

He fell off the tree.

He lives 2 miles off the main road.

A small island off the coast of France.


Altre preposizioni di luogo (moto e stato)


for                  per

towards          verso

as far as         fino a

up to               fino a

past                 oltre, dopo

near                vicino (generico)

close to           vicino (vicinanza più stetta)   next to                        di fianco (contiguo)

beside             accanto

by                   vicino

along              lungo

up                   su

down              giù

across             attraverso(da una parte all’altra)

through          attraverso (da esterno a interno)

She has just left forLeeds./We drove for miles.

He came towards us.

Walk as far as Oxford Street, then turn right.

He ran up to her.

The bank is past the traffic lights.

The armchair is near the sofa.

They live close to the centre.

Let’s meet at the café next to the library.

We sat beside the lake.

I’ve got a house by the sea. / Stand by me.

I was walking along 56thAvenue when I met them.

The cat climbed up the tree.

He was walking up and down the room.

We swam across the river.

We walked through the wood.