Esercizi sul plurale inglese

Esercizi sul plurale inglese

Niente di meglio per imparare l’inglese che svolgere qualche esercizio, in questa sezione iniziamo a pubblicare dei brevi esercizi, inerenti agli articoli pubblicati.

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Inserire il purale dei nomi tra parentesi

  1. I’d like some potatoes and two or three tomatoes.  (potato, tomato)
  2. These countries export petrol.                                 (country)
  3. There are five boxes on the table.                           (box)
  4. The leaves are falling.                                             (leaf)
  5. The keys are in the top drawer.                               (key)
  6. Bring me two glasses, please.                                (glass)
  7. They sell stereos and videos.                                  (stereo, video)
  8. I’ve seen some foxes in the wood.                           (fox)
  9. We visited many beautiful churches in Rome.        (church)
  10. The ladies were all in the white.                                (lady)
  11. She wrote these articles.                                          (this article)
  12. I want those posters.                                                (that poster)

Volgere al singolare le parti sottolineate

  1. They have there children They have one child
  2. I saw some men in the office I saw any man in the office
  3. Two policewomen came into the house One policewoman came into the house
  4. I have sore feet. → I have sore foot
  5. I bought these scarves in Italy I bought this scarf in Italy.
  6. These shelves are not strong enough. This shelf is not strong enough.
  7. There were only ten people. There was only one person.
  8. He told me some exciting stories. He told me an exciting story.
  9. The house has six storeys. The house has one storey.
  10. The buses were full. The bus was full.

Scrivere P per il nome plurare e S per quello singolare

  1. Physics  →S
  2. Gentlemen →P
  3. News →S
  4. Feet →P
  5. Information →P
  6. Maths →S
  7. Gymnastics →S
  8. Furniture →P
  9. Advice →P
  10. Homework →P

Mettere al plurare i seguenti sostantivi

  1. man→men     
  2.  mouse→mice         
  3. woman→women                    
  4. louse→lice             
  5. child→children                  
  6. goose→geese        
  7. person→people               
  8. ox→oxen           
  9. tooth→teeth                           
  10. penny→pence       
  11. foot→feet   

Con questo abbiamo concluso la prima serie di esercizi dedicati all’inglese, mi raccomando continuate a esercitarvi.